Encouragement for Today

Do you need a little pick me up today? Well, I have an idea. Are you game?

Here’s a little experiment: let’s see if it’s true that doing something kind for someone else will actually lift our own spirits at the same time. What do you think? Will you join me?

Let’s be purposeful and take a special note of those around us this week- at work, at school, at church, the grocery store, the gym, even at home. Is there one who is sad? Hurting? Sick? Struggling with a heavy burden? Or maybe just alone. My guess is that you will see more than one, maybe even many. Choose one. Then reach out and touch them – with a kind word, a hug, an encouraging card or small, uplifting gift, an invitation to coffee or lunch. Whatever seems right, but make it personal.

Reach into your heart and pull out something nice for them. Something that might make a nice difference in their day. Something that might make them feel seen, or heard. Or that they matter. Even if it’s just to stop and look into their eyes and sincerely ask how they are doing. And really listen to their answer.

Follow through on your kind gesture. If you choose your kind gesture to be a conversation with someone and they brush you off, choose another person or another kind gesture. Let’s see how people respond. My thought is that most will be surprised, but then visibly encouraged. Some might even verbally show their encouragement to let you know that you’ve made a difference in their day.

And then note how your heart feels – might it be lifted a little? Encouraged? Happy that you helped another along their way? We just might be surprised at how much good we’ve done for our own hearts as we reach out to touch another’s.

So, let’s really reach out and show some good, kind, love and caring for those around us and see if we can make a difference in someone else’s life by just being kind. And then let’s see if that kindness towards another ends up being a real treat for ourselves. Because I believe that when we do something good and right for someone else, it not only encourages them and builds up their self worth, but it also builds up our own.

Let’s love one another deeply, from the heart. Let me know in the comments how it went for you. I can’t wait to hear all your great ideas and how you spread a little kindness around your world!

Have a blast with this,

Love, Mindy ❤️

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

9 thoughts on “Encouragement for Today

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  1. Mindy,that is such a beautiful thought
    .By lifting others,we actually lift up our heart. Because of my daughter’s health issues I don’t go out much now, but I did a small chat with my previous house helper regarding her mother’s health and I felt really good after knowing all positive response from her.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Deeksha, that is wonderful that you reached out to your previous house helper and chatted with her about her mother – sounds like it was a good conversation and she was positive that you chatted with her. Great way to cheer someone’s day! I love hearing this! Thank you for stopping by and for your kindness. Many blessings to you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Selina! Yes, kindness does bring floods of sunshine into our days, for sure! I love that you love doing lovely things for others, and I love how you worded that ❤ Thank you for stopping by and commenting – I appreciate it very much. Blessings and grace to you ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, Mindy! Amen & amen! I adore this post and call to action for kindness. You are absolutely right – the more we do for others, the better we feel ourselves. We were designed to love and to give. This only confirms such a wonderful reality! ❤ Thanks for creating this amazing challenge. I pray more and more people realize how powerful their acts of kindness can be.

    God bless you & those you love! 🙏🏼 Thanks for sharing your heart with all of us

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow – thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words – they mean so much! Yes, I agree completely – we were designed to love and to give. We feel so much better, deeply down in our souls when we do! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Blessings to you and yours. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

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